Nov 20, 20191 min

PROJECT - Green desert in the Middle East

Updated: Mar 23, 2021


Generators must be installed in JEDDA !!!!/Radar_Merge_Sat/26

20-11.2019. 10-30. The Dubai Weather Generator is ON. Rain, thunderstorm.

20-11-2019. 10-30. Real-time satellite imagery shows the formation of the Rain Corridor from the Atlantic Ocean through Jeddah forming towards Weather Generator located in Dubai. From the generator in Dubai to the Himalayas, the Torch of rain is formed!

If we install Weather Generator in Jeddah, the Rain Torch will cover all the countries of the Middle East!

20-11.2019. 11-00. The weather generator in Dubai is ON.

From the generator in Dubai to the Himalayas, the Torch of rain is formed!

20-11.2019. 10-30. The generator is ON. Rain, thunderstorm.

20-11.2019. 09-00. The generator is ON. Rain, thunderstorm.

20-11.2019. 08-00. The generator is ON. Rain, thunderstorm.

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