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KSA Desert turn GREEN Al Musayjid

The mission and vision of our company is to support the dry deserts grow into gardens and have rivers and lakes in them. This is video of a desert which has turned green in some parts recent years. We have been working intensively for the past years to bring this results.,39.097116,6081a,35y/data=!3m8!1e5!3m6!1sAF1QipPPIi--CAUntIrTqLTft6XQKe0vvOKCFirxU2Am!2e10!3e10!!7i480!8i848!4m5!3m4!1s0x15be9129a86c337b:0x28d96289bd39f3f!8m2!3d24.0884043!4d39.097116

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